Continuity Of Care Midwifery- Nothing But Perks

Midwife noun- ‘To be with women’.

Midwives have existed as long as babies have been born. Traditionally the wise women of the town would be the attendant WITH THE WOMAN at all births. As midwifery care has developed over the years there are many different options women have to choose from these days.

From private obstetric care, public midwifery care, midwifery group practice, community midwifery care, private midwifery care and the list goes on.

What has been proven to be best for women and babies, physically and mentally, is a model called ‘Continuity of Care’ (COC). This is where you have the same midwife or small group of midwives who care for you in your pregnancy, on-call for your birth, and care for you postnatally. 

  • Continuity of staff

  • Continuity of relationship

  • Continuity of information

  • Continuity across pregnancies 

  • Continuity across locations

Many studies have displayed amazing results from a mother receiving continuity of care.

The established connection created through pregnancy allows the mother to feel safe and looked after in her pregnancy. 

The midwife, having a thorough understanding of what the parents want from their birth prior to being in labour, allows the midwife to guide them to have that experience and protect their values. 

The parents are often better educated antenatally about labour and birth, pain relief techniques, mental and physical preparation when looked after by COC. More information on the benefits of childbirth education here.

When Women receive COC they:

  • Have less Emergency Cesarean sections

This particular study incorporating 1089 women in total displayed Emergency Cesarean Section results of 13.3% in the COC group in comparison 17.8% in the Hospital-based care group. 

A Cochrane review of 17,674 women suggests that women receiving COC:

  • Are more likely to have a spontaneous vaginal birth

  • Less likely to have epidural analgesia

  • Less likely to have Episiotomies 

  • Less likely to have Instrumental births.

  • Less likely to experience a pre term birth

  • Women rated midwife led continuity of care models highly in terms of satisfaction

In summary, I suggest that if your hospital provides some sort of Continuity of Care option to try your hardest to be in their care. Otherwise, consider a private midwife for either a home birth or hospital birth with your private midwife- whichever you feel more comfortable doing.

Yes, private midwives do cost money, however see it as an exchange of value, if you value a low – no intervention birth, where you feel safe and heard then its so worth it. Especially if you compare to how much money we spend on our cars per year, meals out, clothes, surfboards, whatever you buy, this experience is the birth of your baby, the birth of a new mother, the initiation of the appetence (instinctual connect and bond) that will establish your relationship with your baby forever. 


It’s worth it.



Free Pregnancy Yoga Flow HERE
20-min online Flow to prepare your body for a natural birth

Birth Preferences Checklist HERE
A checklist for you to prepare your natural birth.


Antibiotics & Vaginal Seeding for a C-section


Electrostimulation to stimulate labour