Pregnancy Body Balance Workshop
For Mamas and Birth Partners
As soon as you can after 20weeks of pregnancy for optimal results
Create space in the uterus and pelvis for labour to start ‘on time’, baby to descend through the pelvis efficiently, the cervix progresses quickly, and you experience a natural vaginal birth.
When our ligaments are out of balance:
Labour starting is delayed- leading to more inductions
Bubs enters the pelvis in a difficult position increasing their size- leading to long more intense labours
Bubs can get stuck in the pelvis- preventing their descent earthside- Leading to C-section or instrumental bith for obstructed labour
The cervix doesn’t open and progress- leading to C-section for ‘Failure to Progress’
(I am so sorry for using these awful terms- I just really want you to understand what I am referring to! Body Balancing is honestly the most important component of your birth prep if you desire a natural birth)
Unfortunately, our modern-day lifestyles don't support body balance, ESPECIALLY in the ligaments surrounding the uterus and pelvis leading to a birth full of obstructions, delay, pain, and intervention.
When you have balanced ligaments in the uterus and pelvis, you are physically preparing your body to have a progressive, efficient labour progression, and birth experience.
When your pregnant body is balanced:
Your labour can start when nature intended
Your baby can engage and descend through the pelvis with ease and efficiency
Your cervix progresses effectively
Accumulatively, allowing you to have a natural birth
With balanced ligaments you will enter your birth like a bad-bitch, having the utmost confidence in yourself, surrendering into your body, trusting yourself to progress easfully through the natural process of birth.
In this workshop you will learn & receive?
5 online videos
1.How Body Balance Works and why it is essential
2.How to sit, stand, and lay to not further imbalance your body
3.30-minute flow to cultivate and maintain balance of the ligaments
4.Pelvic floor specific- how to soften the pelvic floor even more for labour and birth
5.PELVIC GIRDLE PAIN- specific modification for if you are/do in future experience Pelvic girdle pain
Regular check ins from our Midwife Amy to hold you accountable to your Body Balance routine- You have access to Amy for all body balance questions to have
The ligaments have 2 main roles in labour and birth:
Guide bub into the optimal position for the shape of your pelvis during the end of pregnancy
2. Act as a road map within the pelvis, guiding baby to flex and rotate their head, allowing for efficient and easful descent of baby and progression of the cervix during labour
Our 30-minute flow contains techniques from ancient midwifery methods, yogic practises, Spinning Babies and Womens Health Physio teachings.
This workshop is for you if:
You are a mama who wants to have a natural birth, in a short amount of time (prefer to avoid the 40 hr labour thank you very much).
You are a mama who wants labour to start as soon as it is ready.
You wish to avoid an instrumental birth or C-section
You are a second time mama going for a VBAC.
You are a second time mama wanting a shorter labour this time.
You want more comfort during your pregnancy.
Online Pregnancy Yoga
Wholistic preparation for Birth
Our online 6 video yoga series is known for its ability to wholistically prepare you for a natural birth.
With 6 videos, 6 different focuses, created by our midwife Amy, these pregnancy yoga flows are specifically designed to:
Help you connect with your breath and your baby
Find and tune into your intuition
Build awareness of your body
Cultivate mobility through the pelvis
Specific postures to bring balance into the ligaments and muscles that surround and are within the uterus and the pelvis
Encourage Babe into the optimal position for your individual pelvis (For more information listen to #35 of our podcast)
Alleviate pregnancy discomforts
Practise mock contractions
Learn how to push our edge of labour
Build strength where your body needs it to birth naturally
Who is this video series for?
The pregnant mama who desires a natural birth, and wishes to prepare herself wholistically
This mama doesn’t live on the Sunshine Coast and is unable to come to pregnancy classes in Maroochydore with me
Or even a mama who lives on the Sunshine Coast, but has toddlers and can only get to class 1/week or no classes/week
Videos included in the series:
Introductory Video
Body Balance Flow
Intuitive Flow
Hip opening and Glute strength
Labour Preparation with your birth ball
Restorative Flow
Pelvic Floor Awareness
We at Natural Birth Co do one flow each week for 6weeks (amongst other pregnancy vinyasa flows, restorative flows, and pilates). You are welcome to follow this video series as a once/week structure or do 2+ flows/week- completely up to you.
Can I do this series if I have Pelvic Girdle pain?
In our introductory video I explain exactly how to modify certain positions for if you have the common pregnancy discomfort of Pelvic girdle pain.
Although yoga can help Pelvic Girdle pain- I recommend seeing a Womans Health Physio to receive treatment for your pelvic girdle pain.
Can I use this series for my entire pregnancy?
Yes you receive LIFETIME access to this 6 week video series- you can flow with these videos over and over through this current pregnancy AND future pregnancies.
Do I need equiement?
The only equipment you require is exercise ball. I give alternative household items that you can use instead of the equipment we use. I will say you would greatly benefit is getting 2x yoga blocks and a yoga bolster to really enjoy the fullness of these yoga flows.
Private Appetence Active Birth Workshop
Privates Appetence Active Birth Workshops can be useful if:
None of the group dates work
You have kids and can’t get them looked after while you are at the workshop
You have specific needs, a complicated pregnancy that you need specific advice for
You do not live on the Sunshine Coast and desire to be a part of the NBC community
Or you just desire that one on one support.
Private workshops are held in the comfort of your own home OR via ZOOM.
More about our Appetence Active Birth Workshop.
Online Consultations
For Pregnancy planning, labour and birth preparation, or Postnatal Birth debriefs.
You are facing a BIG decision and having difficulty knowing the right choice for you
You have BIG decision to make and are want assistance in consolidating conflicting informations, recommendations and research.
You had a negative and complicated birth experience that you would like to debrief, have some logic and explanation about, or trouble shoot what can be different next time.
You are pregnant or looking to fall pregnant and desire a birth different to last time, and want to discuss how to make that happen.
Private Consultations are conducted via ZOOM.
Mini Online Pregnancy Workshops
Coming soon…..
How to Cope with Pain in Labour
How to have a Successful Induction
How to Labour with a Posterior Baby

Pregnancy Yoga Flow
20-min online Flow to prepare your body for a natural birth.
Birth Preferences Checklist
A checklist for you to prepare your natural birth.