The Journey of Pregnancy w/ Gracie Ep 3. First Bub- 20 weeks

#55: The Journey of Pregnancy w/ Gracie Ep 3. First Bub- 20 weeks


This podcast with Gracie is an absolute banger, I apologise in advance for the cackles into the microphone, and the detours as we tangent into a catch up as if we having a cuppa together hehe.

But we have a lot of fun, a lot of laughs, and discuss a lot of pregnancy goodness in this one!

Gracie is currently 20 weeks pregnant.

If you haven't listened to her 2 earlier podcasts be sure to give them a listen before this one! And come on the journey with us <3

In today’s podcast we discuss:

  • Gracie accepting the decision of having a hospital birth (rather than a home birth) and getting into MGP

  • The 20 week scan- Genders and names

  • Bleeding in pregnancy, when to freak out and when to not

  • Sex and sex drive during pregnancy

This podcast is for you if:

  • You’re a first time mama and desire some inspiration, guidance, or relation to another pregnancy.

  • You are preconception, wanting to have a baby at some stage in future, and have no idea what to actually do when that happens.

  • You are early in your pregnancy and desire some guidance on the right steps to make for your pregnancy journey with an interest towards natural birth.

I really hope you enjoy the podcast!

You can listen to the podcast here.

Join the Facebook group so you can tune into future Pod’s LIVE here.

To watch the video version of this podcast click here.

To learn more about Natural birth co check out our website.



Free Pregnancy Yoga Flow HERE
20-min online Flow to prepare your body for a natural birth

Birth Preferences Checklist HERE
A checklist for you to prepare your natural birth.


The Journey of Pregnancy w/ Gracie Ep 4. First Bub- 27 weeks


3 Things to Prioritise for a Natural Pregnancy